Jiggle It A Little It'll Open
Jiggle It A Little It'll Open
2. Revised Connoisseurship
Aaron and Ira contemplate the implications of a rather bureaucratic messianic revelation before turning to the purpose of theatre and, with a h/t to scholar Sara Jane Bailes, the uses of theatrical failure. Several important names in experimental theatre are dropped and one of the best plays you have probably never heard of is discussed at some length. In the end, they succeed in their goal to start funny and become gradually more ponderous and obscure as the episode continues.
“Open Up Your Heart” by Roger Miller (a song which features the show’s namesake lyric). arranged and recorded especially for JIALIO by 80 Foots, Chicago’s only End Times Vocal Trio.
“Open Up Your Heart” by Buddy Killen + Roger Miller
Arranged and recorded by: 80 Foots (https://www.facebook.com/80FPM)